Song Writer & Worship Leader

In Matthew 6 Jesus tells us how to pray.  It’s an awesome piece of the Bible to memorize!  The best way to memorize anything is to hear it, speak it, and see it… which you can do right here.  You’ll for sure walk away with the words in your head!  Oh, and if you watch closely you’ll spy a certain someone’s kiddos and hubby (winkwink).  The song is called Your Kingdom Come, by Diane Luna, available on iTunes, Spotify, etc., inspired by words taken from Matthew 6, Holy Bible, by Jesus.

I spent some time over coffee this morning, pondering friends and memories. Have you ever been on the receiving end of UN-forgiveness? I have once, maybe twice. It burns in your heart. Erodes your confidence. Makes you cringe from relationships.

Perfect person? I am not. My foot likes to walk itself into my mouth with gusto! My heart is incessantly me-focused when I should instead put my friends first. It is something I’m continually working on fixing because I love my friends and want to keep them.

And when my friends forgive what’s not fixed in me, I am thankful.

I had two talks – the first was in the car parked outside the mall.  We two friends shared how the other had hurt us, and through the awkward situation we chose to forgive… because we cherished our friendship. It was hard for the moment, but through it that wonderful friendship has lasted, growingly, to this day.

The second was at a favorite sandwich shop. We two friends shared how the other had hurt us. The difference was that one friend chose not to forgive, ending the friendship and keeping their heart neatly bandaid covered. The other friend (me) left devastated.

I was on the receiving end of un-forgiveness, and it still hurts to this day.

To forgive is to relinquish one’s rights, allow the pain and with open arms accept the offender. As Jesus did. To forgive is to render your own heart vulnerable, unprotected. As Jesus was. To forgive is to love deeply and to rescue your friends. As Jesus does!

The more I look back over these memories, the clearer I realize God’s great promise: that HIS friends will never be on the receiving end of un-forgiveness from HIM. Oh how thankful I am to be His friend!  Let’s you and I be friend rescuers, just like Him.

Oh and P.S., I haven’t given up on my second-mentioned friend.  Still praying for the day we can wholeheartedly rescue our friendship.  Amen!

I love reading my Year-Through-The-Bible. There’s something for each day, and somebody ‘else’ schedules the something. This means that if something spoke to me today as I read, I can have confidence that I didn’t manipulate my reading to fit into my plans.  It’s usually GOD speaking. In today’s read, in Mark 5, Jesus was just cruising along doing his thing, and comes across a girl who died and needs to come back to life.  He goes to her house, goes inside, grabs her hand and says, “ARISE!”  Boom, just like that, she’s healed. Yes!!!!  That’s my Jesus.  I love picturing that scene in my head, and I love that I can reach my hand up to Jesus and he will pull me up to standing.  Boom, just like that, I can have His supernatural help.  And that is awesomeness for today.